a small town in Southern Lithuania
Where the Jewish Community is no more
Visiting Vilkaviskis
What to see in Vilkaviskis
* The Regional Museum
* The New Jewish Cemetery
+ The Jewish Age Old Home
* The Jewish Gymnasium [ now the Municipal Buildings]
* The site of the Mass Killings and Memorial to the Jews of Vilkaviskis
* Several old houses that once had Jewish iInhabitants
For further Tourist information

Pictures of the Jewish Sites in Vilkaviskis
* The Regional Museum
* The New Jewish Cemetery
The site of the mass killings of Vilkaviskis Jewry
Here was the Great Synagogue
The original building of the Jewish Old Age Home
The Market Square
The site of the Gymnasium Ha Ivri
Houses where Vilkaviskis Jewry lived
This site was created by Ralph Salinger
of Kibbutz Kfar Ruppin. Israel